Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    2,280 Pints!
  • Lighting Designer
    Bryan Lussier
  • Venue
    University of Florida
  • Producing Entity
    Neta Pulvermacher

2,280 Pints!
Produced by: University of Florida, February 2011
Artistic Director: Neta Pulvermacher
Lighting & Scenic Design: Bryan Lussier
Choreography: Neta Pulvermacher, Robin Brown, Colette Kreeger, Matt Reeves, Rebecca Warner
Rosco products used:
Gel: R119, R53, R302, R99
Gobos: R78227, 78219, 78234, R77228, R77747, R78023, R78420, R78421

The original concept of this production was to create a "dream-like" world where the childhood creativity coupled with discovery and the adult concept of owning ones self and choices of actions dominate the landscape. Each space created need to be safe, secure, but still full of mystery and intrigue. Similar to exploring your own back yard or a dream that is based on reality but only through exposure does a sense of danger arise.

The lighting wasn't designed with Rosenthalian or Skeltonist approaches to dance, instead to define the space using expressionistic and early fluid-theatricality conceptual approaches and introduce them to dance.

Since the pieces created were highly conceptual, realistic colors and heavy handed use of color wasn't artistically necessary. Directionality, texture, and light quality became the emphasis with this production. The colors chose were either intended for color correction, to flatter the skin of the dancers, or to make the buckets that were suspended over head balance the color pallet on stage. There were three buckets dead-hung and five buckets rigged to move by the control of a dancer. It was important in a moment such as this to transform the buckets into a lantern-like quality. This was one of the most theatrical moments of the piece, and it worked so well because of its simplicity.

The whiteness of the buckets were always a challenge with this piece. If the colors of the buckets became muddied or too altered from amber shift, the mystery and beauty of the piece was lost. Using color correction or open white with fixtures and planning ahead of time where my dimmer would play in the cue, helped me maintain the whiteness of the buckets and the level of mystery in every piece.

Colors Used:

  • R119
  • R53
  • R302
  • R99