Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Hauptmann by John Logan
  • Lighting Designer
    Neil Goldstein
  • Venue
    Arab Hebrew Theatre Jaffa Israel & ZOE House Tel Aviv
  • Producing Entity
    Amber Gitter

In this scene, Dr. John F. Condon (played by Bernard Goodman) is discussing the terms of a ransom with the Kidnapper (played by Ben Muller) in a graveyard.

I wanted to create a moody scene that left the audience with a feeling of skepticism about the transfer of money in exchange for the child. To do this I backlit the scene with 4: Par64-1000W lights gelled with Storaro-2008 and filled in the front using 3: PC-650 at half flood and gelled with E-Colour 651 Hi Sodium. This allowed me to throw the shadows of the fence and the two men downstage towards the audience as to create large shadows conversing on the floor in front of the audience, while keeping the actors mid stage. I wanted the fill to be as warm as possible in order to give maximum contrast against the lavender and blue undertones of the backlight while not going to far towards yellows(opposite the colour wheel from lavender), and simultaneously providing enough fill for the actors. For these reason I chose E651 Hi Sodium as my gel for the fill lights in this scene.

Producer Contact information and production details:…


Colors Used:

  • R2008
  • E651