Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    The Curvature of the Earth
  • Lighting Designer
    Owen Hughes
  • Venue
    Ohio Theatre in New York
  • Producing Entity
    Jessica Davis-Irons

The attached photo is from a production of The Curvature of the Earth, written by Brian Cronin, directed by Jessica Davis-Irons, and produced by Andhow! Theatre Company at the Ohio Theatre in New York. Lighting Design was by Owen Hughes. I used Rosco #4360 as the back light and accent light color for this scene. The main character is a young girl, who, among other flights of fancy, takes a trip to the moon and meets with the moon's three wise men. The director and I knew that the scene had to look like a child's idea of the surface of the moon, and the Rosco 60 count cyan gave it a bright, vivd quality, while also (in conjunction with a little haze from a DF-50 hazer), giving it a slightly aquatic feel, almost as if they were floating in a mist or fog. The R#4360 worked perfectly to create the unique look we wanted.

Colors Used:

  • R4360