Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
  • Lighting Designer
    Robert Mahaffie
  • Venue
    Georgetown Day High School
  • Producing Entity
    Laura Rosberg

These three pictures are from the sewer scenes in my high school's production of Urinetown. The first picture features the rebels threatening Hope Cladwell as she is tied up. The blue, representing the night and darkness in the sewers that is in both the grate gobo and filling the stage is R74, and it is diffused by R101, except for in the gobo. There is a small circle of light for the practical, which is simply R101 and there is a very light bit of facelight made by R02 diffused with R101. The second picture features the beginning of the number: Snuff that Girl and the color remains the same with the edition of R120, the red diffusion to emphasize the anger of the rebels, in the footlights. The final picture is Hope left alone in the practical, and a spot on her that is R101.

Georgetown Day High School Theater
Director: Laura Rosberg
Tech Director: Will Ley
Lighting Designer: Robert Mahaffie
Set Designers: Sam Hecht, Chris Pecaro

P.S. I put my college mailing address. It's a box but not a P.O. box. But if it doesn't work please email me so I can change my mailing address.

Colors Used:

  • R74
  • R101
  • R02
  • R120