Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Romeo and Juliet
  • Lighting Designer
    Robert O'Shaughnessy
  • Venue
    Old Saybrook High School
  • Producing Entity
    Jeanne Proctor

The lighting for this show, Romeo and Juliet, was important for setting the tone and the setting for the scenes. In the funeral scene, toplight is used to create an eerie shadow on the actors' faces. This can be done because there is no talking. There is also a projection of a cross onto the cyc to put a religious overtone in the scene. In the night scenes, a moon box is used behind the cyc, and R60, no color blue is used to put the scene in nighttime. There is a spot on Juliet's balcony to make her stand out. The use of R304 Pale Apricot makes makes the skin tones warm, and gives the show a romantic feel. The R07, pale yellow was used to spot Juliet on the balcony in the day scenes.

Colors Used:

  • R304
  • R60
  • R07