Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
  • Lighting Designer
    Porsche McGovern
  • Venue
    Crossroads Repertory Theatre at Indiana State University
  • Producing Entity
    Arthur Feinsod

R64 color and R77272 gobo.
The director and I discussed the contrast in Godspell between the world the characters create and the world they inhabit. Although the walls are a warmer yellow, I really want the shapes and colors of the lights to juxtapose to the graffiti. So I choose the R64 and cracked glass gobo to be cool to always have the "real" world present even in the moments they are creating.
Crossroads Repertory Theatre at Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN
Director: Arthur Feinsod
Set Designer: Dana Harrell
Costumes Design: Clair Hummel
Sound Designer: Jeff O'Brien
Lighting Designer: Porsche McGovern
Stage Manager: Kevin Ward
Master Electrician: Andrew Law
Assistant Master Electrician: Emery Becker
Production Manager: David Del Colletti

Colors Used:

  • R64