Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
  • Lighting Designer
    Raquel Davis
  • Producing Entity
    Clubbed Thumb Summer Festival 2011

Production Credits: "Civilization" by Jason Grote, Directed by Seth Bockley, Scenery and Projections by Laura Jellinek, Costumes by Jessica Pabst, Sound by Shane Rettig, Choreography by Dan Safer.
R90 was used in the strip lights to create the aggressive green surround and in 2 roving units that cut through the space. R3202 was used in the Back Diagonals. R80 was used in the back lights and also scraped up the wall to create the depth of the midnight sky. Finally R49 gave us the seductive and dominant magenta for the final moments of the play. Produced by Clubbed Thumb Summer Festival 2011.

Colors Used:

  • R90
  • R3202
  • R80
  • R49