Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Women of Ciudad Juarez
  • Lighting Designer
    Kent Sprague
  • Venue
    National Tour
  • Producing Entity
    Teatro Travieso

Designed to tour with a very small crew, and very little preparation time, this show uses color for large impactful moments, using small number of instruments. An uncorrected, but frosted front light provides the basic illumination. Strip lights in yellow and pink illuminate a transparent backdrop, allowing for shadow play. Saturate reds accentuate the murderous emotions that are discussed in the play, but are balanced in more peaceful scenes by a cool blue wash. A small play, with only 20 channels of control, but a lot of emotion, and the color to back it up.

Colors Used:

  • R10
  • R26
  • R27
  • R44
  • R62
  • R132