Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Groves Performing Arts Company
  • Lighting Designer
    Kelsey Nowak
  • Venue
    Grove High School Little Theater
  • Producing Entity
    John Rutherford

The first photo is of the stage pre-show. We showcased the gel colors and gobos we used to help create a dramatic atmosphere even before the show began.

The second photo is of when the owners of the factory are yelling at the girls to keep working even under terrible conditions. We focused on making sure the actors were well lit with a mixture of bastard amber and chocolate gels. The third electric was mostly green with some gels of royal blue to accent the changing framework set.

This third photo is of the curtain call. The final bow was everyone looking off in the distance and nodding their heads together. The lights slowly faded to just an industrial gobo and colors in the background. With time, even those lights faded out with the girls as well.

The fourth photo just showcases the cast as a whole. The simple industrial like frames in the background create beautiful shadows paired with the green and blue lighting in the background. Also, the eyes are drawn to the glowing radium clock stage right.

The final photo is of the girls who have all passed, working away as a memory. The owner is reminiscing about the past and the audience must view the scene through the fencing of the frames to see this memory. Finally, the owner walks out in front of the frames and the light goes directly on him as the lights slowly fade away in the back as the girls walk away. The color and the light all fades away and he is left living a colorless life.

Colors Used:

  • R02
  • R47
  • R385
  • R386
  • R99