Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Adventures of a Cmic Book Artist
  • Lighting Designer
    Reid Sox-Harris
  • Venue
    Palo Alto Children's Theater
  • Producing Entity
    Judge Luckey

This was a photo taken in the moments after they discover that the villain is causing loads of chaos, but then what do you know, he comes over and freezes everybody. Before the freeze, it was lit using R26 and R27 for back and side lighting, as well as a small amount of R54 for front lights. Then, the villain freezes the ensemble, which had a zero count into the added R64 and R80, and took out the R26 sides, to create more of a freezy effect. At this time, the pattern wash that included the Snowflakes gobo, as well as the main snowflake pattern from the catwalk kicked in. This created a mixed image, one of terror, in the red in the cyc, but mostly of freeze, in the patterns, wash, and part of the cyc. I feel that this is the strongest ensemble scene that I created for this production.

Colors Used:

  • R54
  • R27
  • R80
  • R64
  • R26