Color Resource Gallery


The first photo is an image of the "masquerade" in Much Ado About Nothing. In our production, we decided to place it in a warehouse, and the party was decorated by items found in a warehouse. The second image is a picture of the retelling of Margaret in the window with Conrad listening. The third photo is from a portion of a "love montage" that we put together to indicate that Benedick and Beatrice are falling in love.

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Color Resource Gallery


These photos are from Ball State University's production of Oklahoma. The first three pictures depict Curly and Laurey, Curly and Jud, the fight between the Farmers and the Cowmen, and the last two are from the Dream Ballet

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Color Resource Gallery


These photos are from the play The Foreigner by Larry Shue. The lighting for this play aimed to be as naturalistic as possible, and the colors used were chosen to mirror that intent. The overall color and intensity from each photo highlights the time and climate of a Georgia home during the peak of the morning and then later at dusk. Photo 1 - We see three characters sitting at the table having breakfast. A nice bright day. Photo 2 - We see moonlight coming in from a nearby window, and we see some life outside of the window behind the actress.

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Color Resource Gallery


1. In- air isolation using a combination of R365 face light, and R52 side lighting, and R60 back lighting

2. Using a very faint R124 cyc, lighting a rotation with total down light using R119 to diffuse

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


This photo was taken during the song "All Good Gifts" from my high school's production of Godspell during February 2015. The only request of my director was to have bubbles throughout the entire number, which was an excellent complement to the fog when I saw how the natural fluorescence of the bubbles brought out the full spectrum of the colors we were shining through them. Colors used were R68 (for footlight), R312 (for down color), and R358 (for sidelight on the other dancers; not seen in photo).

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Color Resource Gallery


The first photo is a wide angle shot of the basic staging, showing a nice overview of the drastic lighting choices made by our LD, Shelley Strosser-Holland. The other two photos are closeups on talent, displaying the basic white and blue wash on play area that is mixed with the bold and vibrant colors. Color was used drastically in this show to set up play areas as well as mood and tone.

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Color Resource Gallery


A picture shot just before the song

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


These are several archive photos from a dress rehearsal of oklahoma. We were trying to create a big sky feeling that changed throughout the progress of the play to replicate the progress through the day. We used roscoe gels exclusively, and I was a lighting tech on the show.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Belly dance number with Isis Wings

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Color Resource Gallery


Charity final moment in Hey Big Spender.

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