Color Resource Gallery


Our Drama Clubs Electrics Crew!

Follow us on twitter please @rmhselectrics!!! :)))

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This photo is of the Urinetown set. The main lighting aspect came from the parcans at the edge of the stage, which produced a creepy look on the actors' faces.

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Color Resource Gallery


In this show, we used a variety of different lighting effects. For our main washes for 12 areas, we used R02 amber, which is shown in the photo. We also used basic RGB on the cyc, to create a variety of different colors. For a forest scene, we used a white drop onto which we projected forest-type gobos to create a forest-like atmosphere.

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Color Resource Gallery



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Color Resource Gallery


Macbeth. In tennis court with Blood red, and dappled R87.

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Color Resource Gallery


Ms. Havisham's house

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


For this show, we used a lot of yellow and amber to create the dingy mood, also to go along with the urine theme of the show. We also used blue, green and red on the cyc to create various different times of day, as well as different moods throughout the story. We had blue, amber and purple downlights to create times of day as well, as well as different settings, such as a sewer versus a city street.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Our class of 7 graduate students and one underclassmen spent the semester working on scenic projects.
The first group project was of Jimmy Hendrix, the last group project was the Steamboat. In between we worked on bas reliefs, 3-D modeling, and woodgraining.

We use Broadway paints of all colors.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Event lighting design for Columbia University.

Colors Used:

Color Resource Gallery


Our cyc was used extensively to help transition between days and nights as Shaharazad told her stories to the king. Rich oranges, bright blues, and deep purples all helped create slow sunrises, sunsets, daytimes, and evenings. We also used a rich amber and a deep blue to light acting areas with contrast.

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