Scenic Resource Gallery


First back ground wash followed heavy pat of blue follow my highlighting with lighter blue and followed by sponging the lighted area and platter of lighter blue .

Scenic Resource Gallery


These examples are from a painting workshop lead by Jenny Knott at Solano College. The class painted color wheels learning about the 6 primary colors in ROSCO paint. Next they learned about how far to thin paint and still have color.Lastly the students applied the process by painting a panel. 2nd day the class learned about the ROSCO Texture products then had a hands on lab working with each. There is a class shot during the texture workshop and some foam rocks/bricks made by using foam coat.

Scenic Resource Gallery


This painting was developed during a workshop presented by Jenny Knott. In 3 hours she lead our group step by step through gridding, transfer, and transparency painting methods using Rosco, Off Broadway, paint. The workshop was AMAZING. Many of us have never painted before and yet produced beautiful, expressive paintings. Thank You Jenny and Thank You Rosco for offering such a wonderful workshop!

Scenic Resource Gallery


To learn how to paint scenery.

Scenic Resource Gallery


To learn how to paint scenery.

Scenic Resource Gallery


This particular project was a roof-top unit, set on top of a raked wagon for a moment in the production where a woman breaks out of her home to escape rising flood water. I built the unit from four framed sides with lauan siding. The actual roof portion is made of particle board strips, all fitting together like a puzzle for the actress to break her way out of each performance.

Scenic Resource Gallery


A combination of foams with a wooden armature. I used rosco flex glue and small applications of rosco crystal gel as a hardening agent for the leaves.

Scenic Resource Gallery


Rosco is always nice to see on the shelf in a studio. Painting a series of banners for this production using Supersaturated Rosco paint was as simple as it gets. Aging the canvas, texturing, and lettering each piece; it's always nice to have colors you can rely on in a new shop!

Scenic Resource Gallery


The attached photos show my process of painting the marble, Georgian inspired, floor for the production of Lady Windermere's Fan for Pittsburgh Irish & Classical. I was the Scenic Charge for this production and the floor was my first project for the set. I began by laying in the "background" marble, segmented by each rectangle of Masonite.

Scenic Resource Gallery


A translucent muslin drop and another opaque drop on opposite sides of an askew comic book style ground plan. This production was done in the Herbst Theater at Wright State University.

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